Friday, July 5, 2013

What Success Can Possibly Mean...

I'm at a place in life where I am recognizing what success could "possibly" mean or entail. 

To me success means being happy with all aspects of your life, understanding that you've accomplished much, but there is still more to do.

The amount of money you may attain doesn't measure success, nor the accolades, positions, recognitions, titles achieves doesn't not make you successful.

To me success is present in an individual who has made an impact in the workplaces or other organizations, amongst whom they work with and serve as they progress laterally and/or horizontally. 

So, with that being said everyone is successful in their own right if they commit to hard work, servitude, and continual forward progress in whatever has been put in there hands to do, at any given moment.

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This speaks to me in so many ways. I do believe that I am successful but I also recognize that I haven't arrived at reaching certain goals I want to attain or achieve. 

To be honest I want riches, I want honor, I want prestige... But those who get that are those who don't seek it. They are the ones that are committed to achieving their set goal(s) and serving others along life's way. 

Just some of my thoughts on #LifeSuccess 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Thoughts of now...

It's been a while since I've posted...changes have definitely taking place...I would say some for the good and others for the bad, but I know within that "all things ARE working together for the good of THEM that love God and THOSE that are called according to HIS purpose"... So with that being said, everything is working out for my good (and yours) in its own timing as we continue to love God and seek to fulfill His purpose for our lives (Quick word of encouragement for you and me, eh? Yup yup, guess so)

I have experienced lately what it means to be challenged. Those challenges leave you at a point of definite discomfort in your psyche (how you view yourself in the situation) and your emotions (how you feel about yourself handling and being in the situation). It honestly leaves you "feeling like" a failure... Seriously, it does. But what I come to realize that staying in that "failure mode" or "failure feeling" is a state of mind that you have complete control over, whether to stay in it or not. 

I recognize that I have a tendency to stay in this state for TOO long, to the point where I make up situations (from thoughts...imaginations) based off solely off low vibrations, low energy, simply put, low feelings... These feelings unconsciously pile on to become a physical place of failure, if you don't decide to change your focus/mind on the situation. It's soo amazing how the mind is soo brilliant if you use it wisely and adversely so self-sabotaging if you use it wrongly. 

So, the question is, how do I "get out of my feelings"? How do I change my mind so I can see the reality of my situation and in the same breath, enjoy my now. How?

I think it's by first:

1. Accepting the truth that you missed the mark somewhere... 

Simply put, the truth, that you honestly may have failed in your attempts to succeed in whatever area you failed in, which is ok, (saying this to myself now and hopefully it encourages you too). The truth hurts...but the truth breaks the yoke of false reality and pride, which is a definite demise to success... Pride is a B... #CarryOn but seriously it is, and if you remain in this imaginary world that you are right and everyone is wrong, please believe you will not succeed in that state... So, accept the truth!! Also, get around loving and truthful people (check your circles for the "Yes People...can we say #EpicFail... They do you "No Good"... Get around the truth, let people tell you that you're wrong about things, but also allow them to speak freedom to you with a "better perspective" on the situation... It can actually make you feel better (higher vibrations, higher energy, higher feelings...happiness, joy, and peace in your spirit...that's what you need right...Right!! A peace of mind). So, in saying all that, "the truth will make you free"... I rather be made free from the onset rather than be set free... I have the potential to be bound again... I need the truth to make me into a better and eventually a successful person.

2. Keep moving...don't stop

I'm about to finish this post, but this second thought just came to mind... Keep moving and don't stop... Failure I feel is a stopping point. Like a period or a "The End" kinda deal... That's not cool... I heard that "Quitters or Losers" and I'm not about that life... I'll ride the brakes off the situation before I quit and when I do that, I'll get some more brakes and continue moving forward if that is what the Lord God wants and/or is calling for in my life at that point... But, I do think that you can pause. You're not stopping, you're just "getting yourself together", "getting your mind right", reassessing the situation, reevaluating yourself against the situation to take a look at what you can do differently if you have to retake the test again (& please will retake the test again)... So, it isvdefinitely ok to pause, Selah, reflect on the present... You reevaluate and reassess, make the necessary changes, start the car of your life again and keep it moving...

My Youth Pastor says a few words before bible study ends... I don't remember everything but these few words, "Success is MANDATORY and Failure is NOT an option"... 

I accept the truth.
I keep moving.
I don't stop.
I succeed. 

I hope this helps you and encourages you just as its doing for me... We will succeed if we don't quit... #Simple #JustLikeThat

Peace and Blessings to you...Enjoy the rest of your day.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Thoughts from yesterday.... "Role Playing"

We all have roles to play in our lives. The funny thing is we have the opportunity to choose our roles. So, I suggest to others as well as myself to choose your role wisely and play it to the best of your ability. If you don't like your role and you can't get out of it right now, reflect & see what you can do to maximize the moment there & rekindle the initial flame that moved you to this role, until another role that fits you appears...

It's role playing in this life...Act it out to your best ability.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thoughts on the Words Maximizing & Capitalizing - A Reminder to myself

I was just thinking that NOW is the time to focus in on what matters most and "MAXIMIZING & CAPITALIZING" on the time, the opportunities, the positive ppl/connections, and the evident move or stillness of God that is taking place.

I guess and almost believe that doing this maximizing and capitalizing requires a determination and drive to succeed in the areas you want to succeed in and focus intently on what it takes to get there and being aware of God putting and/or moving you in the position to receive that that you earnestly desire...the question is: what is it that I truly desire from God? & do I really want it? 'Cause if you really want it, focus, determination, drive, initiative, proactivity, etc are the natural occurrences of what happens when you figure out what you want and make the conscientious decision that that desire is what I'm going after, no matter the cost... The thought then comes to mind, what is the desire of your heart, honestly? A gentleman at my job spoke to me briefly about wants and needs...he made the "suggestive view" that wants are good to have but can be rather misleading than needs, which have a more standard, being biblically based in thought, God will give you the desires of your heart as your seek Him. He knows what you want and He can take care of all you just requires a consistent relationship/communion with Him daily in every aspect of your life through communication (verbal & non-verbal), reading His Word, remaining aware & open to His guidance (moves, directions, etc), and disciplining your unresolved flesh wants and needs which can lead you away from Him and furthermore your earnest desire(s)...

So, having the imagination for better, the desire, the determination, the Spiritual backing will give you what you want/desire honestly in due time, before you know it...Believe this!! Just realize the things that aren't worth fretting, thinking, and being discontented over...that you are willing to change or that doesn't need to be changed or analyze over, anyway.

Focus on what matters the most...make clear distinction of that and move out on that desire and attain your promise...Be Blessed, Happy, Clear in Mind and Thought, at Peace, and Attaining & Achieving Your Goals & Making your dreams Your Reality!!

Cheers, Peace, & Blessings!!