Sunday, August 19, 2012

Just Some Random Thoughts... (From August 19, 2012...Sorry Just Posting)

What I will blog about today will be rather random, but they are my thoughts at this present deal, lol nah, I hope you get something from it as always...

I would say that I'm currently on an evident journey to a destination I feel I know soo little about at times and then a great deal about at times. I was talking to a person yesterday and I told them that my life is about experiences and all people can attest to that. But for me, I've embraced these experiences as a cultivated pathway to my destination in life. In thinking about destinations, it's kind of interesting. With the Christian "embrace", the predestined 'destination' is heaven or a place where we become immortal and we have fully embodied our true selves which is spirit...but not looking at that embrace, I feel that there are multiple destinations to get to or look forward to. I.e graduation from your institution, getting a job, obtaining an doctorate, having your business, your own family, buying a house. There are so many destinations or should I say pitstops...

-this blog will be added to more in the least I think so...*shrugs*


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