Tuesday, August 30, 2011

If you do nothing else today...do this:

Change your thinking...I would have to say that I'm on a quest, journey, and better said MISSION to conquer and master my mind, yes the thinking thereof!!! I've come to realize that once we have a understanding of the power that lies within the mind or the subconscious (the bible would say the 'heart of man', etc etc), where all things first begin and the end thereof is determined, we will have, be, do, create, attain, etc etc anything we want and in the very same essence all God has DESIGNED and desired for us to have.

DESIGN is capitalized because its first important to note. God has DESIGNED everything in this world for us...it is our responsibility to take advantage and use that, that He has DESIGN for us...SIMPLE!! Desire wasn't capitalized, but it doesn't mean that it isn't important, but in this connotation desire from God is always and already present. He wants (desires) for us to have, be, do, etc etc to attain the best that this life has to offer but in the same breathe, HE HAS ALREADY DESIGNED IT FOR US!! It is our responsibility to use the DESIGN...And that DESIGN is also created within us, via our mind (subconscious and if you would oblige me to say the Spirit).

I'm learning about the mind, it is a harness of unadulterated power that God has given to us to master, seize, conquer...and to simply use in our everyday lives (you like the way that flow of words went, just like water from a sink, full pressure, that is eventually turned down to a simple, flow...)... So, I oblige you to take the time get a hold to your thinking...think positive, it relieves unnecessary stress in the midst of stressful times...Read positive things, center yourself around positive people, be thankful, enjoy life and love always...These few things and many more help with a positive thinking base or rather foundation. Think about what you want to have, do, be etc and believe with thanksgiving that Our God of this infinitely abundant universe, can do "What no other power can do" simply just for you....He loves you. He wants (desires) the Very best for you. He has already DESIGNED it to be so and that is found on the inside of you, waiting to be used and worked...

If you do nothing else today...do this: Change your thinking...Think and Think right!! God Bless You in your endeavors in life...


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