Is it right to want another source of income outside of your regular job?
Is it wrong to want the above mentioned?
The answers to the majority would be yes, yes, and no. I would be right in my opinion that everyone feels that it is right to want more money. Alas, I'm starting to feel this way because I initially didn't. I knew logically that it was but my inner resolve (limiting beliefs) said otherwise or better said, said the opposite of what the majority ruled.
Now, I think about the biblical text that reads "...for the love of money is the root of all evil." Joe Vitale said "I love what money can do".
Money doesn't add more problems, once the mindset is changed about money, it's realized that it can solve and answer many, many, MANY problems!!
Let's think of the problems it can solve:
Financial Freedom
I believe the list goes on and on.
Where I am in my life is being "happy" with the fact that it's normal to want more money. But it's not "cool" to stress over what I don't have. I have stressed over not having enough when I actually do. I just need to recognize that I desire and want more so that I can answer and solve more problems that may arise in my life.
Another biblical text that comes to mind is "...whom much is given, much is required." This statement is true on so many levels and it can also apply to money. "Money is the answer to all things" (biblical reference) likewise if much is given, there is more responsibility.
I guess this question I need to ask myself is, "Am I ready for more responsibility?" That is an amazing and thought-provoking question... Am I? Honestly?
The singer Ledisi made a statement at a concert of hers that made me think. Paraphrasing, she said that don't be fooled that artist don't experience their problems as more comes in. It just means that they have more to deal with it. And based off the above statements, I can flip that to say that they have more problems to solve from the added responsibility as they gain more "limelight".
The same goes with us. As we move up on our jobs, we acquire (usually) a higher salary but most definitely more responbililty.
Again, this question comes directly to slap me in the face with sense and enlightenment, "Am I ready for more responsibility?"
More money = (- more problems) + more solutions + more responsibility = More money, ONLY if I use it to solve & answer the problems right and wisely.
Do we have a choice in where we want the money and the responsibilty (current or new) to come from?
Maybe, honestly not sure.
So, if I want more money at work, I should expect new and/or more responsibility? What if your level of pay remains the same but the responsibility increases? That's disproportionate!! But it happens... What do you then say to these things, eh?
I still need to answer the question, "Am I ready for more responsibilty?
Am I ready for more responsibility on my current job or more from one that is another source of income?
I can't say I want more from this current one because I'm just in a place right now where I just want to manage and continue handling my responsibility with what is currently on my plate there and when more comes, I'll be ready for it.
Likewise, working on another source wouldn't be bad... But that is more responsibility but equivalently more money..
So, to answer the question, "Am I ready for more responsibilty?" I would answer the question with a question "Am I ready for money?" Is the right question to ask because both question are equivalent in theory... And the answer to both is Yes I Am.
Now, since I've said yes to the call, the next order if business is to think about other sources of income that I can bring in as additional money.
Just read the below pic from Sri Sri:
Doing something good that will benefit the society and the world around you that you impact directly or indirectly will cause God to bring the necessary resources to accomplish the work that is set before you to do...
I guess that question is, "What work is it that needs to be done by you that will/can positively impact the society/work around you?" Then and only then will the necessary resources come those solve problems...
SN: (reminder) Pure heart, pure intentions about the good work set before you..
Now, I'm beginning to see the light on what my brother said his Pastor said. Paraphrasing, we have been sent here to solve a problem.. It's up to you to find out what that problem is so that you and only you can solve it. Then, the resources are sure to follow & come to the surface for your use. Use it right and wisely.
I guess I need to journal.. "What is the problem that I've been sent here to solve?" You want another source of income eh? Why? What problem can you solve and render as a service? Service brings rewards both financial and spiritual...
I'm done.. #MidnightThoughts
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